My work friend Kevin LOVES steamboats. Once a year there is a Steamboat Show right on Winnipesaukee! My other two work friends and I went down and took a ride!
The boat I went in on the left and the boat his Grandpa built on the right.

Side of Grandpa's.

A sweet steamboat. This whole time I was picturing the boat from Willy Wonka and everyone dressed in Mary Poppins attire.

I also got a new camera! It has a ton of fun settings and this one is film grain.

It was Hannah's birthday! And my camera had a birthday setting!

Sarah's daughter Sadie.

Another steamboat.

This reminded me of the scene in On A Golden Pond even though it's the wrong lake.

The engine.

Sarah looking at the water. She got to steer the boat too!

We got SUPER close to these loons! We heard them do their call too.

The front of the boat.

I got to blow the whistle! I was probably way too excited but I suppose that's not a shock.

Kevin. He's actually building his own steamboat right now!

Me Sadie and Hannah.

I am so glad I went! It was so fun and a great way to end my stay here in New Hampshire.