So many great things happened this week! I have been finally keeping a decent journal, but I don't have it with me so sorry about that. I'll do my best to mention everything.
The Mormon Battalion is still Amazing. We really get to meet amazing people there. And give them the Spirit. As I have said a few times, we're still learning how to really get referrals, but I get to bear my testimony so much there and it's so good for me and I hope that they are all touched by it. On Tuesday we were having a meeting and then we stayed in the room for a few more minutes and then one of the sisters comes up and says I have a visitor. I can't lie- I was a little apprehensive. But it was Marinda and Tasha! Some of my besties at utah state! They were there on spring break. It was SO GOOD to see them. And weird at the same time. Almost like a dream. I forgot about real people's lives. And that they have no idea what I'm really doing. My companions and I discussed this a lot. No one knows what a mission is really like until they go on one. So sorry if I don't describe everything very well! But I was just really glad to see them. Then on Friday, we had another special visitor at the Mormon Battalion Historic Site. L. Tom Perry. You might have heard of him. We knew he was coming and we were all there and he was shaking our hands and asking where we were from. When he got to me i said New Hampshire and then he said "what?" and I thought he was mocking me! So I started describing it and then he is taking his hearing aid out and saying that he can't hear me and that his hearing aid was dead! Funny guy! But then he asked what part and I said Lakes Region and he loves it up there. The Spirit of the place changed while he was there. It was really special. Then we were outside and I saw someone else that I knew from school....Lis! My roommate! It was so weird to see so many people I know in one week! But again, really good. I told her she had to go on a mission. I can't imagine not going on a mission. It is the most rewarding thing in the world. I say this every time. But it's so true. Well that's all I suppose. I can't believe this is the last week in March! Crazy! I love you all.
PS We met with Delia this week too and had a really neat moment. In the middle of the lesson she gets up and starts looking for this number that will help her move her court date. It was completely the Holy Ghost helping her remember that number and it was super great to see her act on the promptings as well. ok that's all.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
March 15
This week went by so quick. Actually this whole transfer has. It is incredible when you literally lose yourself in the work how much happier you are and how fast the time goes. Fantastic.
Well. First things first! Our baptism! Deliaaaa. She is originally from the Bronx so she has a big accent and it's fantastic. And she has a great smokers voice as well. She used to go to the spanish ward and right before christmas she started going to ours and we began teaching her. She had to overcome smoking but is great and loves the church. She bore her testimony at her baptism and said "I know the church is true. And I'll fight anyone who tells me otherwise...again". And she would. And has. She is so solid and recognises God's hand in everything. She's also the best missionary ever. She talks to everyone in her complex and we're teaching quite a few people because of her!
Because we are visitor center sisters, we get to go to the temple one day a week. Because there is no visitor center at the temple, we sit outside and talk to people who are curious about this big white building! We have pictures of inside the temple and everything so it's a great experience. We met all sorts of people and I'm excited to go back! And because we were outside for 6 hours, I got a nice big sunburn! My favorite!
Oh did I mention our stake had 13 baptisms this weekend? The Elders in the spanish ward baptised a family of 9 but I'm glad to be part of that 13! Go Chula Vista!
Well that's all I can think of this week. But I just love being a missionary more and more everyday. I have the best companionship in the world! Time is going too fast! I am so blessed and my testimony is growing so much and if any of you are ever feeling blue, go help with missionary work! I promise it will make you feel better! I love you all!
Well. First things first! Our baptism! Deliaaaa. She is originally from the Bronx so she has a big accent and it's fantastic. And she has a great smokers voice as well. She used to go to the spanish ward and right before christmas she started going to ours and we began teaching her. She had to overcome smoking but is great and loves the church. She bore her testimony at her baptism and said "I know the church is true. And I'll fight anyone who tells me otherwise...again". And she would. And has. She is so solid and recognises God's hand in everything. She's also the best missionary ever. She talks to everyone in her complex and we're teaching quite a few people because of her!
Because we are visitor center sisters, we get to go to the temple one day a week. Because there is no visitor center at the temple, we sit outside and talk to people who are curious about this big white building! We have pictures of inside the temple and everything so it's a great experience. We met all sorts of people and I'm excited to go back! And because we were outside for 6 hours, I got a nice big sunburn! My favorite!
Oh did I mention our stake had 13 baptisms this weekend? The Elders in the spanish ward baptised a family of 9 but I'm glad to be part of that 13! Go Chula Vista!
Well that's all I can think of this week. But I just love being a missionary more and more everyday. I have the best companionship in the world! Time is going too fast! I am so blessed and my testimony is growing so much and if any of you are ever feeling blue, go help with missionary work! I promise it will make you feel better! I love you all!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
March 8
It seems like I have nothing to say after reading Abby's email. My companion who was in the mtc with Abby just said "she and I have very different missions". It's so true. We barely even heard about it let alone feel anything. It shows how much Heavenly Father does love us though. That all the missionaries are OK and that we are protected here by not knowing anything about the world.
This week went by very very fast. This week was MTE (missionary training exchange) where President trains us on things for the mission. This transfer's theme was having a vision of the work. Not just from day to day or hour by hour, but for the future of our wards and for our lives and the lives of our investigators. He told us to DOUBT NOT. Which is very hard! We are such a doubting people but it's made me think about what I'm saying and how I'm feeling about things. When we doubt we are putting a limit on the Lord. How dare we! So we've been working on that a lot.
Along with that, my companions and I have been working very hard on how we can make the tours more spiritual and not just oh that was a fun tour. Missionaries don't give tours like that! So we studied a lot on asking questions, listening, leave something behind....aka chapter 10 in preach my gospel. It was so helpful and we already feel the difference in the tours. We've also been trying to relate everything back to the gospel esp in the outfitting room where before it was a history lesson: here's a belt. it had to be white the whole time. but now we say that but also add something maybe like this: we too need to remain white and in this world it's hard and we have the desert around us where it is hard to remain white but with effort we can do that. It's been a lot of fun figuring out how to do it and people are noticing as well.
Well it looks like our friend Delia is actually getting baptised this week! We are SO excited for her! She bore her testimony yesterday and thanked the sisters for coming over all the time. and only mentioned my name. I love being a Johnson! Easiest last name ever! But our trio has been on fire this week. We have been going on a lot of splits which is so fun. We get to do double the work which is especially good because we only have half a day to do it!
Well I think that is all for this week. There is no where else I would rather be right now. That is for sure
This week went by very very fast. This week was MTE (missionary training exchange) where President trains us on things for the mission. This transfer's theme was having a vision of the work. Not just from day to day or hour by hour, but for the future of our wards and for our lives and the lives of our investigators. He told us to DOUBT NOT. Which is very hard! We are such a doubting people but it's made me think about what I'm saying and how I'm feeling about things. When we doubt we are putting a limit on the Lord. How dare we! So we've been working on that a lot.
Along with that, my companions and I have been working very hard on how we can make the tours more spiritual and not just oh that was a fun tour. Missionaries don't give tours like that! So we studied a lot on asking questions, listening, leave something behind....aka chapter 10 in preach my gospel. It was so helpful and we already feel the difference in the tours. We've also been trying to relate everything back to the gospel esp in the outfitting room where before it was a history lesson: here's a belt. it had to be white the whole time. but now we say that but also add something maybe like this: we too need to remain white and in this world it's hard and we have the desert around us where it is hard to remain white but with effort we can do that. It's been a lot of fun figuring out how to do it and people are noticing as well.
Well it looks like our friend Delia is actually getting baptised this week! We are SO excited for her! She bore her testimony yesterday and thanked the sisters for coming over all the time. and only mentioned my name. I love being a Johnson! Easiest last name ever! But our trio has been on fire this week. We have been going on a lot of splits which is so fun. We get to do double the work which is especially good because we only have half a day to do it!
Well I think that is all for this week. There is no where else I would rather be right now. That is for sure
Saturday, March 27, 2010
March 1
This week has been great. We are so busy all the time. But we have figured out a way to fit everything in! Splits! Since there's three of us we can just get one member and then teach two lessons in one hour. And also better yet! Get three members and we can all split up! We're going to really start that this week since we have no proselyting time this week. We already have three members lined up for Tuesday (where we literally have one hour to visit people). We are doing MTE again. Which is training in the morning from President and then all theother missionaries go on exchanges with other missionaries but because we're in the historic site, we aren't doing that part. It's going to be a good week.
But for this past week. Saturday was miracle day. We had one of the laurels come teaching with us. And we knew that the day before so we made plans to visit two different people at onece (trying to implement splits) but no one could make the appointment so we were kind bummed and all went to the lesson. Then we get a phone call that there's a baptism and Sister Story really wanted to go because she taught him most of the lessons and then got transferred. And we were able to go to that because we had Tiera! And just all of the cancelled appointments that day were all OK. And he was so happy to see her at the baptism. Then that afternoon at the MOBATT Sister Zaldivar was starting a tour with about 6 people in it. And one fo the senior couples really wanted to put more people in the tour but for some reason both Sister Story and I felt that no one else should go in the tour. So we really made sure that he didn't put anyone else in the tour! And it turned out to be the best thing ever because the Spirit was so strong in that tour and 2 people self referred and the other person referred her brother. These may seem like small miracles but it is so evident to us that Heavenly Father's hand is in His work. It build my testimony so much on following the Spirit and being OK with how things turn out-because Heavely Father won't let us mess up. We have been trying so hard this week to be more like missionaries in the battalion rather than just tour guides. We've been trying to find their needs and testify more and help them see how much we care about them and it really has made such a difference. The Spirit is in the tour when we do that. And on another exciting note...Sister Story and I gave a tour in Spanish by ourselves twice last week! She knows about as much Spanish as I did. But we managed! It was exciting and built our confidence levels up. Well I think that is all the excitement this week. Pray for missionary opportunities. It works. I love you all!
But for this past week. Saturday was miracle day. We had one of the laurels come teaching with us. And we knew that the day before so we made plans to visit two different people at onece (trying to implement splits) but no one could make the appointment so we were kind bummed and all went to the lesson. Then we get a phone call that there's a baptism and Sister Story really wanted to go because she taught him most of the lessons and then got transferred. And we were able to go to that because we had Tiera! And just all of the cancelled appointments that day were all OK. And he was so happy to see her at the baptism. Then that afternoon at the MOBATT Sister Zaldivar was starting a tour with about 6 people in it. And one fo the senior couples really wanted to put more people in the tour but for some reason both Sister Story and I felt that no one else should go in the tour. So we really made sure that he didn't put anyone else in the tour! And it turned out to be the best thing ever because the Spirit was so strong in that tour and 2 people self referred and the other person referred her brother. These may seem like small miracles but it is so evident to us that Heavenly Father's hand is in His work. It build my testimony so much on following the Spirit and being OK with how things turn out-because Heavely Father won't let us mess up. We have been trying so hard this week to be more like missionaries in the battalion rather than just tour guides. We've been trying to find their needs and testify more and help them see how much we care about them and it really has made such a difference. The Spirit is in the tour when we do that. And on another exciting note...Sister Story and I gave a tour in Spanish by ourselves twice last week! She knows about as much Spanish as I did. But we managed! It was exciting and built our confidence levels up. Well I think that is all the excitement this week. Pray for missionary opportunities. It works. I love you all!
Friday, March 26, 2010
February 22
This week was transfers! Sister Zaldivar and I were pretty nervous but we made it through...and we got a new companion! So we're in a trio. Her name is Sister Story and she is AWESOME. We were in the MTC together and all three of us are so similar so we get along great. We are still in Chula Vista and it was a pretty great week! This lady named Sister Hammond just moved into her ward so we went to visit her and it turns out her parents are staying with her and they are very interested in the church! We've met with them a few times and they are just awesome and really want to make sure they believe before they join. We are so excited for them and for Sister Hammond too! After all, it was her example that they saw and got them interested initially! We taught Maria Ramos this week at the battalion and it was so awesome. She is really progressing and is now working towards March 6 as her baptismal date! We are very very excited for her. Delia is still doing great and awesome as usual. She has the biggest heart ever.
In not so missionary news...with us getting Sister Story, that made five of us sisters in an apt...with one bathroom! Pretty crazy! So we moved apartments today with two bathrooms. We're excited =p
The MBHS is still amazing. I love being there. I met an amazing family from Vermont yesterday. We are finally managing our time better with proselyting time and we are seeing the difference in our investigators and everything. I love being a missionary. It does not get better. It's hard work but I wouldn't trade these experiences for anything!
In not so missionary news...with us getting Sister Story, that made five of us sisters in an apt...with one bathroom! Pretty crazy! So we moved apartments today with two bathrooms. We're excited =p
The MBHS is still amazing. I love being there. I met an amazing family from Vermont yesterday. We are finally managing our time better with proselyting time and we are seeing the difference in our investigators and everything. I love being a missionary. It does not get better. It's hard work but I wouldn't trade these experiences for anything!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
February 15
Well another fabulous great week here in Sunny San Diego! I really can't brag enough about this weather. Everyone that comes into the battalion is always commenting on this weather; especially after they find out I'm from New Hampshire! The MBHS is the most amazing place in the world. I cannon say that enough. Nothing new has happened this week so I'm just going to keep braggin about the battalion. This week we met someone from Iran. He spoke about two words in English and we were standing there for a while with him and then we realized that his wife and son had left! We start searchin for them and he doesn't really understand that they left left and he starts walking down the raod and it's the saddest thing on earth. But then we see his wife and son! Because he had shown us a picture of them that they took at the battalion! Thank goodness for becoming an honorary member! It was so glorious to see them reunite. I also met a man from Italy who tried kissing me. I didn't let him. Last night we met with one of our investigators who is the best missionary in the world and she's not even a member! She ahd a few friends over to listen to our lesson. She is still planning on being baptized on the 26th! We've been working with this less active family for the past few weeks and the mom and one of the sons came to church yesterday. We were very excited to see them. I think that's all for this week! Being at the battalion is just the best mission ever. Heavenly Father knows each of us and knows our needs! One of the lines in the battalion movie is "sometimes we need faith to make a decision. Other times, we need it after." and "despite our circumstances, we chose to be happy". I just love those two lines and know how truthful they are. We can choose to be happy. And we need faith all the time to really help ourselves even in the worst and best of times. I love you all!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
February 8
This week has been another most excellent week. Working at the "mobatt" (just what me and my comp call it) mormon battalion historic site is just so amazing. We are going to start making a list of all the places we meet people from. Here's the start for you; England, Brasil, Taiwan, Argentina, Israel, Ukraine, and I think that's all for now. Just cool cool people who have no idea about the battalion (ok I didn't either before this let's be honest) and we also get to strengthen their faith in such a different way. I love it. I am so excited I get to do this for the rest of my mission. We're planting so many seeds there it's great. As for proselyting...We have no time for that anymore! Between travel and extra meetings, the time in Chula Vista seems so short. This is good though; it gets us to plan better and make better goals and more of an effort in achieving them. Our investigators are doing well. We think. because of our schedule, it's hard to fit everyone in that we want to see! But we have a new investigator named Keith. And he is awesome. He is searching for something and we know it's the Church! He's in the navy like everyone else down here is. Pamela and Gary are doing great. Even after a slip up, she's right back where she needs to be. I love being a missionary. It's hard work. But it's worth it.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
February 1

There is no doubt in my mind that Heavenly Father loves all of us and knows us individually. He of course sent me here because He knows this is what I love! The Mormon Battalion Historic Site is the most amazing place ever! I don't even know where to begin. So on Tuesday we all went to the Site and got training from my old bishop, Bishop Lusvardi. And Brother Rasmussen. They're both from the mission department and are in charge of all the visitor centers. So they know what they're doing. They gave us a tour which is AWESOME. OK, I'll talk about it right now. You start in the same room and there are about 8 photos of battalion members. We start talking and then one of the pictures sneezes! And they start talking! About their story! So they stop and we ask the people if they wanna hear the rest of the story and of course they do so we go into the next room and it's like we're at ab ig camp. They sit on logs and watch an amzing movie about the battalion. (We also got the whole narration on CD so we can listen to it all the time. don't be too jealous) Then we move to Fort Leavenworth and get them outfitted! We give them guns and belts and canteens to put on and it's a lot of fun. Then we move onto the trail to Santa Fe where they are in a campfire room and watch more of the movie. That scene ends with them fighting...something. So we ask them if they want to know what it was and we move to another room where they find out what it was and finish the movie. We tell them about the battalion going and being among the first to find gold and ivite them to the gold panning station outside and the aftifact room where there's a statiion to find battalion members, have your picture taken (as you saw) and play games. It is the most amazing place ever. I can't even tell you. You all much come. Right now! Friday night we had all the stake presidents come, area 70, and other important figures which those were our first tours. Elder Hinkley was there and Brother Holland (ELder Holland's brother) too. Saturday was INSANE. Over 1000 people came through tours and not everyone got ot go on a tour! And we got to meet Brigham Young! (the actor of course =]) And we're just already meeting people from around the world. The opportunities are amazing here and I'm excited to continue with this amazing place.
As for proselyting...Maria is doing great! We had a great FHE with her las week and whe was just so confused and not convinced on the Book of Mormon. Because we were so busy this week we didn't get to see her and she called us Saturday and said she wanted to meet with us! She came to church and said she had been reading in the 3 Nephi and likes all the similarities between the two. She's praying about being baptized on the 13th so I'll let you know next week!
The church is TRUE!

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