Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 22

So many great things happened this week! I have been finally keeping a decent journal, but I don't have it with me so sorry about that. I'll do my best to mention everything.
The Mormon Battalion is still Amazing. We really get to meet amazing people there. And give them the Spirit. As I have said a few times, we're still learning how to really get referrals, but I get to bear my testimony so much there and it's so good for me and I hope that they are all touched by it. On Tuesday we were having a meeting and then we stayed in the room for a few more minutes and then one of the sisters comes up and says I have a visitor. I can't lie- I was a little apprehensive. But it was Marinda and Tasha! Some of my besties at utah state! They were there on spring break. It was SO GOOD to see them. And weird at the same time. Almost like a dream. I forgot about real people's lives. And that they have no idea what I'm really doing. My companions and I discussed this a lot. No one knows what a mission is really like until they go on one. So sorry if I don't describe everything very well! But I was just really glad to see them. Then on Friday, we had another special visitor at the Mormon Battalion Historic Site. L. Tom Perry. You might have heard of him. We knew he was coming and we were all there and he was shaking our hands and asking where we were from. When he got to me i said New Hampshire and then he said "what?" and I thought he was mocking me! So I started describing it and then he is taking his hearing aid out and saying that he can't hear me and that his hearing aid was dead! Funny guy! But then he asked what part and I said Lakes Region and he loves it up there. The Spirit of the place changed while he was there. It was really special. Then we were outside and I saw someone else that I knew from school....Lis! My roommate! It was so weird to see so many people I know in one week! But again, really good. I told her she had to go on a mission. I can't imagine not going on a mission. It is the most rewarding thing in the world. I say this every time. But it's so true. Well that's all I suppose. I can't believe this is the last week in March! Crazy! I love you all.
PS We met with Delia this week too and had a really neat moment. In the middle of the lesson she gets up and starts looking for this number that will help her move her court date. It was completely the Holy Ghost helping her remember that number and it was super great to see her act on the promptings as well. ok that's all.

1 comment:

jason & kiley. said...

Marisa (or whoever updates her blog) can you email? I really want to hear from you... my email is
write me dear, you are famous!!! (on tv!!)

love, kiley :)