My sister.
This week has been the best and worst of being here. It's been the worst only because I have lost my elders. They are in the field. Which I am happy about, but it's hard being here without them. I'll start with Sun.
I decided to fast to see how god sees me because I just forget sometimes how special I am. So I go to RS and Kristen Oaks came (Elder Oak's wife) and it was just amazing because she talked about testimony and that part of our testimony needs to be how much our Heavely Father loves us. So OK. Perfect. And she gave all of us testimony gloves. Sweet. So the day goes on and we have distric meeting which I usually hate and did hate at the beginning but we then decided to go around and say our favorite things about eachother. And after every person it just got more serious and mroe personal and I was lucky enough to go last. And it was as if they knew what I was fasting for or something because it was exactly what I needed to hear.
Some highlights... Elder Soffe said he really considered me a sister and they all said that they loved how I was always happy and smiley. elder Cooper, whose opinion I value more thatn anyone here, said something touching and started tearing up chich of course got me going. And my fave was E barker who said that the first time he saw me in the Temple he knew that I was an angel. And I know that that was christ talking and not E Barker. It was just so perfect. We were all in tears by the end and tried singing "god Be with you..." but yikes. It was painfully touching and hilaruious.
Then we had the fireside (which everyone in the MTC attends) and THATS where I played the special music with Elder Lim. Hie to Kolob. It went really well. Like srsly. People have been coming up to me all week. And guess who spoke. Your favorite, Sheri Dew. Uh huh. And she spoke about how important it is to know who we are listen to our personal revelation. It was PERFECT. I then got a blessing from E Cooper and it was touching to get a blessiong from him. We went to the movie and just kind of bore our testimonies via not passing. And of course started crying. Because he was leaving that night and he was my BEST friend here. And I still miss him so much. He went to Dakin's mish. But he's amazing. OK. Enough of him.
The next day was very...unproductive. It was the rest of the Elders last day so we jsut kinda stuck together. And I had to say goodby to them which was still hard. Jess. They are like my family. It was almost harder or just as hard saying goodby to them than saying goodbye to you. I spent EVERYday with them for the past 2 months. And because I was the only Hna, I got extra close with them. Mah. And every day since then they have given me little notes of inspiration (kind of like PS I Love You) and I Cry everytime I get one.
So anyway. My training. OH PS. I'm sad, I'll be talking to you probs before you get this. Oh well. Don't throw this away.
My training! It's different. 25 hnas. Yikes. NOT 7 elders et moi. ha. But I'm still so happy with my call. I can do this stuff. I love getting to know ppl and meeting ppl. Last night I had TRC and it went really well. I have 2 companions de Peru y Ecuador. It has been SO HELPFUL with random frases and accents and gah. It's been so great. And I go to Temple Square manana!
But srsly Jess. My testimony grows everyday and my fears and doubts are leaving everyday. I learn more about the Savior and Atonement everyday and it gives me such strength. I encourage you to strengthen your testimonyh everyday. It's easy to sit back and be satisfied but it's so much better to be active!
Ohmygoodness. go to media. LDS videos. Scripture stries. Watch them. Esp man with evil spirits in NT and David and Goliath in OT. awesome. hahaha.
OK I think I've done a pretty good job here. And my pen is dying. You're so great. You're still and example to me everyday.
Sometimes I remember that Shane was baptised by Hnas. I would love th ehear his conversion story. cough cough.
Ok LOVE infinity haha. Talk to San Diego...boyyyy!
Hna RahRah
ps love the hand turkeys :):):)