Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I'm going to put more Washington pictures up but I needed to share this. I had a quiz in music therapy a few weeks ago and on the quiz we had to write about our experience of the class in a rap! I didn't think too much about it because i got full points and what else matters right?? ha. So today our teacher walks in and hands us our raps!!! We were all quite embarrassed and THEN she had us all sing them out loud! We all laughed and enjoyed it and then our teacher says we're going on a little field trip. oh. no. We go to the lobby of the concert hall in the music building and we see a boy with a microphone and a little amp. He is her son and he's a beat boxer! She had us sing our raps again with him beatboxing in the background. But this time people were watching from the hall. Ah the life of a music therapist! It ended up being really fun and here is my rap:

Music therapy rocks my world
I feel like I could use it on a squirrel
It's fun to drum and strum the guitar
I know I am awesome and I will go far.
Yes, music therapy is my thing.
We go together like yang and ying.

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