Monday, June 18, 2012


Here's a fun fact about me! I hate to cook. More specifically, I hate raw meat. Last semester I was basically a vegetarian because of that and I just don't like the flavor of most meats.
With that being said, let me tell you about Peruvian food.


It has been quite a difficult transition from hardly eating any meat to eating it at every meal. After a month of being here, I think I'm used to it.
There is a restaurant here called Pardos. Its famous dish is "pollo a la brasa". It's like rotisserie chicken A very popular dish in Peru in general. It's like rotisserie chicken. So what you do is you order a full, half, or quarter chicken for the table. Simple as that. Comes with fries. 
But like I said, everything has meat with it. I ordered fettucini alfredo the other day, and it had ham in it. Steak is also very popular. 

Some drinks that they drink often are unique only to Peru. The first is called "chicha". It is made from corn that only grows in Peru because they have such fertile ground. Sounds gross. Actually pretty tasty. 

 Ahhh IncaKola. Soda from heaven. It's tastes like a mix of cream soda and bubblegum. Sounds gross. But again, pretty tasty.

It's not all Peruvian food though! I've eaten pizza hut a few times, DUNKIN DONUTS<3, KFC, you know the norm. They also have McDonalds and Burger King, but I pass on those. They do have their own fastfood restaurant se llama "Bembos"
So there you have it. Ready to eat peruvian style??

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